Monday, January 5, 2009

Choosing your Path

As I was rock climbing at the Rock Haus on Saturday night, I found myself halfway up the wall and stuck. I tried going left, but ran into an even harder path. Upon further investigation, the right was not an option either because I was too far left already. I clung to the wall for several seconds as I surveyed my situation. Doing the only thing I really COULD do as I sat there clinging to the wall, arms tired and failing, I put both hands in the same handhold and pulled with all my strength; trusting my belayer to catch me if I fell. I eventually made it to the top, though it wasn't easy. Looking up from the ground, I could see the many paths and hand/foot holds available; but from my position on the side of the wall, I hadn't thought ahead and planned my path. I also couldn't see that some of the rocks were going to be rounded and slick, with no crevices to grip. Trading places with my belayer, I held the rope as he climbed. Halfway up he got stuck in the same place. Although my belayer was watching me climb and giving some guidance from below, he still made the same mistake I did. I hadn't warned him to stay to the right when I got back down. On my next trip up the wall, I tried to choose my footing more carefully, yet ran into the same problem and got stuck in the same place. This time I didn't make it to the top. Weakened as I was, my arms were giving out and I could feel myself losing the strength I needed to hold on. At this point, I was very grateful for my belayer as he slowly let the rope out and lowered me to the floor. Sometimes in our lives, we get stuck on the path and can't seem to move on. Our hands may start to get slippery and we think we can't hold on. It is then that we need to put our trust in God and let him hold us up so we can keep going. There are times when we have to start out on the same path, we just need to keep in mind that there are many branches on the path. If one doesn't feel right or you get stuck, don't be afraid to let God help you go back and start again. When you reach the bottom again, you will have some knowledge to help others along the path too. You will be able to tell them about the rounded rocks and paths that will be easier in the climb to the top.

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