My Daddy:
Master fix-it man, intellectual genius, joker extraordinaire. I can't tell you how many times I've heard his jokes! I'm so lucky that I've heard them not only in English, but in Spanish too, and yet I laugh every time. I don't know if it's because the jokes themselves are very funny or if it's the fact that Daddy always laughs at them when he tells them.
I love my Daddy. Who else do you know that wanders aimlessly with a guitar but can still "occasionally" claim to have his wits? Who, on Halloween night, would get on the intercom system and laugh maniacally as children came to the door trick-or-treating? Who else gets more enjoyment and satisfaction out of being able to tell you what color something is even though he's never in his life seen the color for himself?
One of my favorite stories about Daddy has to be from a family vacation we took one summer. We were traveling across the country in the RV. At one point, Daddy turned to us and said "Do you realize it is now an hour later than it was an hour ago?" We all started laughing. It took him a little while to realize he meant TWO hours later because we had passed into another time zone. To this day we still laugh about that although I'm not sure he appreciates that so much.
The depth of advice he can give based on life experience is priceless. Sometimes it's useful, sometimes it's up to you to decide. If it's broken, he can fix it. If it's not broken... well, he can fix that too. Spiders, mice, giant yellow hands, monsters in the closet; his specialty.
Magical hallways, train robbers, dogs big enough to ride, pet dinosaurs - my favorite bedtime stories. A spiritual giant yet down-to-earth friend you can always depend on to bring sunshine - and corn and tomatoes - to an otherwise gray day. Sure he's not perfect, but in my book he's pretty darn close.

My Daddy - My hero.
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