Monday, September 3, 2012
I have recently been trying to decide what to do with my life. Dealing with life lately has left me with little direction and hope. As you may know, I returned home from the mission early (in January, 2010) and with many emotional scars, facing the very depressing prospect of having to take medication for the rest of my life. Two years later, I finally returned to the university. I was settled in with a full load of classes, an amazing boyfriend, and perhaps a bit of trepidation. Classes went fairly well, I studied like crazy, and got a 4.0! I wish I could say the rest of life went that well. I was changing medications almost every month and having panic attacks multiple times a day. But then I got engaged and things were going well for awhile. Then, well... things started going less than stellar. After praying about my engagement and arguing with myself, I got a No. With a capital "N." Like the kind of No where the more you try to ignore it, the more physically ill you get. THAT kind of No. It broke my heart, but what else could I do? I called it off. When he finally accepted that I had received a no, he turned into a major jerk and started accusing me of all sorts of mean things he had to know were not true. Even after all that, I still have feelings for him and wish my answer could have been otherwise. Yes, he said some things that were hurtful, but how many people wouldn't do that in his shoes? That's not an excuse, but I understand. He was hurting and he lashed out. None of us are perfect.
Now lest you think I have a completely miserable existence, never fear - I got my summer adventures! I drove to Washington to see a friend get married, survived an INCREDIBLE mid-west style lightning storm while staying in a tent, then went on up to Victoria and got my open water scuba certification. Then I decided I would take the scenic route and stopped through Edmonton on my "way back home." I stayed there for awhile before heading back home to Utah. I actually didn't make it back to my "home base" at that point, though. I had a flight to catch with my sister to go see Newsies on Broadway in New York. Originally my ex-fiance and I were going to take a roadtrip and squeeze the show in, but that was before he showed his "not so pleasant side." Instead, I was left with two non-refundable tickets. I suppose someday I should thank him. If it weren't for him I wouldn't have been able to spend some amazing sister time and come away with great inside jokes and a renewed sense of hope in my life.
Now you may wonder what all this rambling has to do with a merciful, loving God. I'll tell you. My life the last few years has been anything but perfect. I have made a lot of mistakes, bad choices, whatever you want to call it. But regardless of all that,God was merciful enough to give me the answers I needed. These last few weeks as I have been contemplating my future, I finally made a decision. I am going to study massage therapy. I had two schools I was really looking at and couldn't decide between the two. One seemed like it was so perfect, but it also cost twice as much and would have taken probably twice as long. I was somewhat depressed at the prospect of having to settle for the cheaper, less desirable option. I prayed for guidance and gradually started feeling better about it. Well, today my father became my guardian angel, God's messenger to answer my prayers. He mentioned to a lady in the branch that I was going to massage school and she got super excited. I had no idea she had been to school for that as well. She told me everything I needed to hear to reassure me and indeed, was an answer to my prayers. But the effect of my "guardian angel" did not wear off there. After that, my father introduced me to a girl who just received her mission call to Chile. Though it was not the same mission that I served in, I was able to talk to her about what to expect, a few random tidbits about the language and people, and I could see the sparkle of excitement in her eyes. As I spoke with her, a strange thing started to happen: I felt a glimmer of a sense of peace and healing about my mission experience.
I remember sitting in a fast and testimony meeting one day with my cousin. She asked why the person sharing her testimony was crying. I was saddened that she, I think a teenager at the time, didn't understand. Fast forward time to a few months ago. I was sitting with my family at church, again during testimony meeting, when my nephew (7 years old?) turned to me. Referring to the lady crying as she shared her testimony, he asked me, "Is she so happy?"
As the tears fall tonight, I thank my Heavenly Father for his love and mercy; for parents who love me, for a father who was able to receive inspiration - whether or not he realizes it, as I'm sure that's what it was - and a mother who supports me in everything and sometimes gives me a much-needed proverbial kick in the pants.
So why is God a merciful, loving God? Because in the space of a short amount of time He has helped me experience hope, peace, and healing. He has also given me the beginnings of understanding and direction and answered at least one of my prayers, even though I probably (okay, scratch the probably) don't deserve it.
In the words of my nephew Jared, yes, I am so happy.
Monday, April 26, 2010
A White Christmas in Chile
Three complete strangers, united in one cause. These three amazing people had never met each other before but shared their "special day". The tallest one is Mauricio. The next one, the girl, is Nataly. Lastly is my little Gary, one of the fruits of the new program called Permaneced, which is our reactivation efforts.
Mauricio, age 24:
Roughly two weeks in Chile and I was doing contacts in the street with my companion (the 11th of November to be precise). We randomly contacted this kinda punkish kid in the street. He didn't have piercings or anything, but he seemed a bit like a partier. He agreed to let us pass by his house to teach him. I was still trying to figure out what everyone was saying (the accent here is SUPER different!) So it took me awhile to be able to really help answer his questions and such. He accepted everything easily and whenever we would ask him if he thought what we said was important (regarding each principle) he would answer with "obvio" and gave awesome reasoning that made me feel kinda dumb that we thought we needed to teach him that. He really is super awesome. The other day we were at his house teaching him and we were talking about missionary work, then asked him if there was anyone he knew that would like to learn too. At that precise moment his brother walked through the front room. He turned to him and said "Hey Alvaro, you're going to church with me on Sunday, okay?" It was funny. He didn't go, but it was Mauricio's willingness to invite him that really touched me. A couple days ago we were giving him his last quick lesson before his baptism the next day and his brother's girlfriend stopped by. He introduced us as "Mis Hermanas." When he prays during the lessons he also thanks God for "his Hermanas." He's really amazing. We don't seem to find many people here, but when we find them they are absolutely amazing.
Nataly, age 13:
I arrived in Chile, in the zone of Colina, just in time to help prepare the baptism of two of her friends (Carolina and Nicole). Nataly was originally supposed to be baptized with her friends but things kept coming up. We had to work with her for a long time – she had to make some major changes before her mother would consent. After many lessons and any help we could give her mother consented because she was finally starting to show improvement in her everyday actions and attitude. While I didn't teach her the first basic lessons, she still considers me her “best friend.”
Our little 9 year old. He actually turned 9 while we were teaching him. His mom and one of his brothers are inactive... or were. We were walking down the street one day when this random little kid ran over to us yelling "¿Son Mormonas?" We told him that yeah, we were Mormons and he flat out said "¡Quiero bautizarme!" We were a bit taken by surprise, so we were asking him questions. He then led us to his house where we met his mother. She broke down in tears as she told us about "Her hermanas" that taught her and baptized her and how she cried when they were transferred out of the area. She had some experience with some members that drove her away from the church (not an uncommon occurrence in this branch) but that she would love to see Gary get baptized. We passed by a few days later and she told us her story. I don't remember the story exactly, but the basis was this: when she was about 11 years old her father used to have elders over all the time or rent a place to them, I don't remember exactly. She loved talking to them and figured they were all rich because they dressed like her dad, who was. One day an elder put his feet up and she saw the bottom of his shoes - they were all worn out and she could see his socks through the holes. She said she cried because this young man was so willing to go teach people even when it meant his feet were bruised and blistered from the terrible condition of his shoes. Tears were streaming down her face as she told us of how the other members of our branch don´t appreciate the missionaries like they could. I started to cry myself as I told her we needed her experiences and her example to help the branch, as I testified of the great worth she has and how much she could help. She showed up at church the next Sunday and has come almost every week since then. She is so humble and poor right now - lately times have been so hard that occasionally she doesn't even have bread for breakfast, yet she always offers us whatever she has. She really is amazing. She has become my lifeline here.
"And the Lord called his people Zion because they were of one heart and one mind...." (Moses 7:18)
Passing On

The solemn parade of horses passed by slowly, cars and finally the bus bringing up the tail end. I paid my respects silently as we followed the procession in the bus until we parted ways, thanking my Heavenly Father for the knowledge I have of His merciful plan and the comfort it brings when one comes to understand that this is not the end but merely a new beginning.
My Daddy

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009

Watching TV with Grandma is always fun. I'll always remember the day when she told me that she had a "crush" on Billy Ray Cyrus in Doc. I laughed as she told me she thought he was very good looking.
To my Grandma:
The Blind Shall See
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Be the Answer

Monday, January 5, 2009
School started once again and I found myself trekking through the snow, across the slick ice on campus.

I guess this is the part where I add a moral... First, railings are there for a reason. Second, there will always be a large group of guys when something embarrassing is about to happen. Really though, to take it for what it's worth, we need to remember that the obvious dangers aren't necessarily the ones we need to watch for. I was aware of the ice outside, thus I was able to prevent an embarrassing outdoor display. It wasn't until I was inside, where I thought I was safe, that I slipped up. Pride is the first thing you notice damaged, but if you look deep enough, you will probably realize that wasn't the only damage done.
Choosing your Path

Monday, December 29, 2008
A sure foundation

Saturday, December 27, 2008
Become as a little child

Thursday, December 25, 2008
Music of the Heart

Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Christmas miracles
Monday, December 22, 2008
Merry Christmas to the troops
Sunday, December 21, 2008
First Post!