Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Christmas to the troops

As I was standing in the checkout line at Smith’s Marketplace a few days ago, I overheard a little girl (maybe 9 years old) tell her father, "They should let the troops come home for Christmas." I fought back the tears as I heard her father quietly explain to her that war doesn’t work that way. In a way that perhaps only someone with experience could do, he told her about how the war in Vietnam lasted for ten years. He continued his explanation by telling her that both sides thought they were right and that’s why the wars continue. She interrupted every few sentences with comments, "But it’s not fair! They should be able to come home to their families for Christmas!" and "Why can’t they just leave Iraq?" Maybe it was just my imagination, but the girl sounded like she was fighting back tears. I left the store even more grateful to the men and women who are out there fighting for my freedom. I would like to echo this young girl’s sentiment in wishing them home for Christmas. While I understand that this won’t happen, I pray for our troops daily. Join me in telling them thanks. Xerox has a program where you can go to their website and make a Christmas card for the troops. They print out the postcards and send them to soldiers all around the world. It’s free, takes three simple steps, and can bring a bit of joy to those who are away from their families. May God bless all of you, especially those with friends and family in the service.

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